[session_started] => 1739217162
Статии по теми
Брой 58, No 4, 2024
- Impact of organic and mineral mulch on species richness and weed biomass in newly established wildflower meadows
Maria Hristova
2024-12-19 Брой 58, No 3, 2024
- Recent trends and open questions regarding the effects of microplastics on soil, plants and soil microorganisms
Lev Tribis, Hristo Valchovski, Milena Kercheva, Katerina Doneva, Jonita Perfanova
2024-09-30 Брой 58, No 2, 2024
- Bioremediation techniques for the management of agricultural soils contamination by oil spilling
Suleiman Usman
2024-06-25 Брой 58, No 1, 2024
- Agrogeological and mineralogical characteristics of the soil from experimental fields of the Institute of Agriculture-Kyustendil, Bulgaria
Anton Sotirov
2024-03-27 Брой 56, No 1, 2022
- Agroecological assessment of sludge from wastewater treatment plants in the aim of their use in the practice
Vessela Georgieva, Svetla Marinova, Rositsa Georgieva, Daniela Stankova, Ginka Paunova, Yordan Tachev
2022-03-21 Брой 54, Nо 1, 2020
- Characteristics of agricultural and ecological factors in the area of Sapareva banya municipality
Ivanka Lyubenova
2020-02-04 - Land evaluation and research on the market prices of agricultural lands in the municipality of Sapareva banya
Ivanka Lyubenova, Ivelina Radovanova, Veneta Krasteva
2020-02-04 - Comparison of traditional and modern approaches to soil conservation in a changing climate: a review
Ahamefule H. E., Eifediyi E. K., Amana M. S., Olaniyan J. O., Ihem E., Ukelina C.U., Adepoju A. S., Taiwo R. A., Fatola F. O.
2020-02-26 Брой 52, No 2, 2018
- Effects of the Municipal Wastewater Use on Some Soil Properties
Masoud Dadivar, Mahommad Ali Khodshenas, Javad Ghadbeiklou
2018-07-12 Брой 51, No 2, 2017
- Optimization and implementation of ecological monitoring of soils contaminated with heavy metals
Nikolai Dinev, Viktoriya Necheva, Lyuba Dimova
2017-11-17 - Lead pollution in the Shooting Area Loven Park Sofia
Rossitza Ilieva, Milen Venelinov, Petar Stamberov, Giuldjan Ahmedova
2017-11-27 Брой 50, No 1, 2016
- Study of The Horizontal Structure of Forest Landscape into Vitosha Nature Park
Diana Karatoteva
2017-02-21 Брой 49, No 1, 2015
- Study of Cambisols in Central Balkan National Park for the Purpose of Soil Monitoring
L. Malinova
2016-12-05 - Mobility and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals after the Addition of High Levels of Cu on the Technogenically Affected Soils
L. Nenova, I. Atanasova, Ts. Simeonova, E. Atanasova, M. Teoharov
2016-12-05 - Metal Hyperaccumulation in Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. (Brassicaceae) and Heavy Metal Effects on the Nematodes and a Weevil Associated with the Plant Roots in Sites near a Non-Ferrous Metal Smelter in Bulgaria
2016-12-06 - Assessment of the Nutritional Status of Rocket Salad (Eruca sativa) in Technogenically Affected Soils
E. Atanasova, I. Atanassova, Ts. Simeonova, L. Nenova, M. Teoharov, M. Stoikova
2016-12-06 Брой 48, No 2, 2014
- Some Agro Ecological Problems in Anthropogenic Impacts on Leached Chernozems from North Bulgaria
A. Mikova, D. Stoicheva, P. Alexandrova, C. Simeonova, l. Dimitrov
2017-02-13 Брой 47, No 4, 2013
- Trends in the Levels of Atmospheric Pollutants in Vitinya Region
M. Doncheva-Boneva, G. Kadinov
2017-03-07 Брой 47, No 3, 2013
- Monitoring of Chemical Characteristics in Soils from Bobov dol Valley
I. Nikova1 B. Hristov A. Zdravkov K. Ruskov D. Petrov D. Bakardzhiev
2017-03-07 - State and Changes of the Types of Natural Pasture Compositions in Strandzha under the Influence of the Climatographic Factors
K. Stoeva, V. Vateva
2017-03-07 - State of Natural Pasture Swards in the Strandzha Mountain in Different Locations. ІІ. Productivity
K. Stoeva, V. Vateva
2017-03-07 Брой 47, No 2, 2013
- Effect of Lead Excess in Soil on the Disease Severity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL) on Tomatoes. Regression Models for Estimation
S. Maneva, T. Vatchev
2017-02-15 - Studies on Characteristics of Soils in Urban Forest Parks and in Natural Forest Plantations in the Region of Town Sandanski
V. Doichinova, M. Zhiyanski