[session_started] => 1739233541
Optimization and implementation of ecological monitoring of soils contaminated with heavy metals
Viktoriya Necheva, Nikolai Dinev, Lyuba Dimova
Резюме: The national network for the evaluation of heavy metal contamination of soils has as a priority the selection, recognition and implementation of qualitative and quantitative indicators of representative values of the criteria. Most often such commented are related to soil characteristics and early impact of the receptors of pollutants. Explored are new and less-invasive risk assessment factors- such as the biological availability of contaminants, microbiological changes, the ability to use as indicators of soil animals. In article are presented examples (steel-plant and lead-zinc plant-KCM Plovdiv/Kuklen) for application of system approach in pollution assessment and planning of appropriate system of land use with hyitoremediacionen or phytostabilizacionen plan. Accumulated through similar experiments, knowledge can be used for application in a coherent system for remediation of contaminated lands.
Ключови думи: indicators; phytoremediation; sequential extraction
Дата на публикуване: 2017-11-17
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