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Comparison of traditional and modern approaches to soil conservation in a changing climate: a review
Ahamefule H. E., Eifediyi E. K., Amana M. S., Olaniyan J. O., Ihem E., Ukelina C.U., Adepoju A. S., Taiwo R. A., Fatola F. O.
Резюме: Soil is the most age-long indispensable rudiment in sustainable crop production in Nigeria. Successful crop production lies in the soil conservation practice in use. Some traditional and modern soil conservation practices in Nigeria were reviewed from available literatures (1937-2015) to determine the extent of their usage and sectoral applicability. The literatures surveyed included scientific and legislative publications. The findings revealed that the efficacy of most traditional systems (stone lines, planting pits, and shifting cultivation) of soil conservation in Nigeria is yet to be verified by research. Be it as it may, local farmers have continued their use because it’s working for them. Some of the modern approaches (agroforestry, plastic mulching, modern tillage and improved fallow) whose effects are well documented and positively reported are rather too expensive for farmer’s adoption. Adoption is also hampered when the modern approaches are grossly unfamiliar to local farmers, arising from their not been synthesized from the traditional techniques. The modern approaches, particularly when home grown has shown proven positive effects on local soils, consequently has become widely adopted. All the traditional and modern soil conservation approaches showed the highest sectoral applicability in agriculture whereas the least was in forest resource management. With projected future adverse effects of climate change, practices that are inimical to soil conservation like sand mining and paving should be regulated by legislation whereas dredging of waterways, practices that increase soil infiltration capacities and dune stabilization and protection should be adopted.
Ключови думи: Agriculture; Approach rating; environmental friendliness; land-use; sectoral applicability
Дата на публикуване: 2020-02-26
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