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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Economic efficiency of conservation practices involving a pre-crop in a wheat-maize rotation grown on sloping terrain
Gergana Kuncheva, Hristo Beloev, Petar Dimitrov, Atanas Atanasov, Viktor Kolchakov, Galin Ginchev, Evgeni Enchev
Abstract: The intensification of agriculture exerts significant pressure on natural resources and leads to pollution, accelerated erosion, loss of soil organic matter, loss of biodiversity. The damages caused by water erosion are serious, and implementation of measures for soil protection and restoration of soil fertility of degraded soils are required. Among the recommended practices for control of water erosion and for soil quality improvement is the application of cover crops, which are seeded between the main crops and been incorporated as green manure. Another appropriate practice is minimum tillage. The soil is an irreplaceable natural resource and the preservation of its fertility as well as the measures that are applied to protect it from degradation processes have their economic dimensions.
In the present study, an analysis of the economic efficiency of the application of minimum tillage and cover crop in the wheat-maize rotation on sloping terrains was carried out. When calculating the economic effect of the application of this soil protection practice, not only the yields of the main crops are included, but also the protection of the soil and soil fertility from water erosion is taken into account. With the application of cover crop and minimum tillage for growing maize, the cost of production on average for the period of study was 441.0 BGN/t, the net income was 778.0 BGN/ha, and the economic efficiency was 1.48, and In wheat grown in this rotation, the cost of production, on average for the research period, was 316.0 BGN/t, the net income was 1023.9 BGN/ha, and the economic efficiency was 1.67.
Keywords: cost; economic and soil protection efficiency; profitability; soil protection technologies
Citation: Kuncheva, G., Beloev, H., ... & Enchev, E. (2024). Economic efficiency of conservation practices involving a pre-crop in a wheat-maize rotation grown on sloping terrain. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 58(2), 37-45 (Bg).
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Date published: 2024-06-25
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