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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Editorial Board


Prof. DSc. Irena Atanassova, Agricultural Academy, Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection, Sofia, Bulgariа

Executive Editor

      Maya NikiforovaAgricultural Academy, Directorate Library and Publishing Activities, Sofia, Bulgaria

International Editorial Board

Prof. DSc. Eng. Martin Banov, Agricultural Academy, Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection, Sofia, Bulgariа

Prof. Dr. Iliya Malinov, Agricultural Academy, Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection, Sofia, Bulgariа

Prof. Dr. Ivan Manolov, Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgariа

Prof. Dr. Ivanka Mitova, Agricultural Academy, Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection, Sofia, Bulgariа

Prof. Dr. Svetla Kostadinova, Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgariа

Prof. Dr. Ivan Pachev, Agricultural Academy, Institute of Viticulutre and Enology, Pleven, Bulgariа

Prof. Dr. Venerа Tsolova, Agricultural Academy, Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection, Sofia, Bulgariа

Prof. Dr. Andon Vasilev, Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgariа

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Toma Shishov, Agricultural Academy, Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection, Sofia, Bulgariа

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milena Kercheva, Agricultural Academy, Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection, Sofia, Bulgariа

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Veselin Kutev, University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgariа

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsenko Vachev, Agricultural Academy, Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection, Sofia, Bulgariа

Prof. Manuela Abreu, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. DSc. Zofia Sokolowska, Polish Academy of Science in Lublin, Institute of Agrophysics, Lublin, Poland

Prof. Dr. Eng. Oene Oenema, Altera, Wageningen, the Netherlands

Prof. Winfried Blum, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austriа

Prof. Evgeniy Viktorovic Shane, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Prof. Silvana Nicola, University of Turin, Turin, Italy

Dr. Hafida Rahal-Bouziane, National Institute of Agronomic Research in Algeria, Algiers, Algeria

Dr. Henry Emeka Ahamefule, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria