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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Principles of limitation methods for the evaluation of agricultural lands in Bulgaria
Ivelina Radovanova, Vesselin Pankov, Zornitsa Mitreva
Abstract: Limitation methods are recommended by the FAO and complement the current parametric assessment used in our country. Until recently, there was no developed theoretical framework in Bulgaria for evaluation according to these principles. A few years ago, one was presented for the limitation methods, using newly developed scales for the bonification of 12 main agro-ecological soil characteristics. They follow the principles and structure of the “Limitation Approach Considering the Number and Degree of Restrictions” recommended by FAO.
In contrast to the existing current evaluation, the use of the Limitation evaluation methods take into account the natural indicators with their limitations on “general suitability for growing a wide range of agricultural crops”. They are applicable in practice and are easily applicable to large territories. A principle for harmonizing the limitation methods with the current parametric system for the evaluation and categorization of agricultural land used in Bulgaria has also been developed.
Keywords: agroecological characteristics; agrotechnical characteristics; drainage; evaluation of agricultural lands; FAO; limitation methods; soil fertility
Citation: Radovanova, I., Pankova, V., & Mitreva, Z. (2024). Principles of limitation methods for the evaluation of agricultural lands in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 58(4), 51-62 (Bg).
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Date published: 2024-12-19
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