Evaluation of local compost methods for soil management in northwestern Nigeria: Advanced scientific theories and economic values
Suleiman Usman

Abstract: Compost technology is an advanced technology that involves the transformation of organic materials and organic waste/sludge into organic manures/fertilizers. This method was locally applied by many rural farmers in northwestern Nigeria long ago. It has been used by farmers as the best method for soil quality and soil fertility management in dryland and fadama areas of the region. This research paper was built to provide scientific advances in common compost methods in northwestern Nigeria. Approximately twelve (12) different methods were surveyed and explained based on cultural practices and scientific theories. These composting methods include dumping, hole-gathering, burning, container-packed, open-build, farm-tunnel, pond-manure, lake-fill-in, irrigated-bed-in, home-bin, farm-cattle and sheet-composting methods. These sets of methods were provided with specific instructions, fundamentals and theoretical justifications. There have been broad advances in how these methods can be used to generate revenues, create jobs, ensure safe and well-frained environments, improve food security and decrease or to some extent control the spread of malaria and other related human diseases in northwestern Nigeria. This study provides suggestions for better use of organic materials/sludge, development of bioorganic fertilizer industries, and continued revision of sustainable agricultural management with negative chemicals.
Keywords: compost; compost technology; northwest; soil management
Citation: Usman, S. (2024). Evaluation of local compost methods for soil management in northwestern Nigeria: Advanced scientific theories and economic values. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 58(2), 46-60.
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| Date published: 2024-06-25
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