Bioremediation techniques for the management of agricultural soils contamination by oil spilling
Suleiman Usman

Abstract: Soil and land contamination as a result of diverse industrial activities, particularly oil spilling, pesticides and disinfectants, has affected quality of life, ecosystems and overall agricultural activities. Bioremediation is a scientific method in which biological microorganisms are used to remove contaminants via metabolic processes. This procedure has the advantage of providing the transformation and/or even removal of organic and inorganic pollutants, even at low absorption. This paper specifically focused on addressing the theories and models of some techniques involved in the processes of bioremediation. These techniques can be divided into two types: in situ and ex situ. The in situ techniques are defined as those that are applied to soil and groundwater at the site with minimal disturbance, whereas the ex situ techniques are those models that are applied to soil and groundwater at the site that have been removed from the site via excavation (soil) or pumping (water). It is believed that successful treatment of contaminated environments, particularly those polluted by oil spilling and dripping, requires an integrated and well-planned effort. This treatment will help improve the environmental soil quality for diverse agricultural activities and ensure better lifestyles among the rural communities where the activities of oil industries are present.
Keywords: bioremediation; bioremediation techniques; oil spilling; soil contamination
Citation: Usman, S. (2024). Bioremediation techniques for the management of agricultural soils
contamination by oil spilling. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 58(2), 25-36.
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| Date published: 2024-06-25
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