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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Dynamics of accumulation of absolutely dry biomass in maize in dependence of applied fertilization on Vertisol
Miladin Nazarkov
Abstract: The research aims to determine the effect on the dynamics of accumulation of absolutely dry biomass by development phases in maize (Zea mays L) under non-irrigated conditions and fertilization with mineral and organic fertilizers. The field experiment was carried out in 2023 at the Bozhurishte experimental base of ISSAPP “N. Pushkarov”, Sofia region, on the soil type Leached Smolnitsa (Haplic Vertisols, FAO). The study included 7 fertilization variants in 3 replications. Analyzes of absolute dry matter in the biomass of one plant by stages of development in maize - “9-10th” leaf and “milk maturity” were carried out, and total dry biomass yield by phases of leaves + stems and leaves + stems + cobs. Data were obtained for absolutely dry biomass from the part of early maize grown under non-irrigated conditions. It was established that in the formation of the yield of absolutely dry biomass in maize, in all investigated phases (“9-10th” leaf and “milk maturity”), the independent and combined use of fertilization with mineral and organic fertilizers (with plant and animal origin) had a positive effect on the amount of accumulated absolutely dry biomass (leaves + stems and leaves + stems + cobs), with the lowest results in both investigated phases being found in the variant without included fertilization (V1). In the “9-10th” leaf phase, the greatest effect on the obtained total yield of leaves and stems was achieved with the variant with combined use of mineral fertilizers (V2), followed by variant V6 - combined use of mineral fertilizers and organic fertilizer of animal origin Fertilpolina. In the “milk maturity” phase, the greatest effect of the total yield of absolutely dry biomass of leaves and stems was achieved in the variant with the combined use of mineral fertilizers (V2), followed by the variant of the joint combined use of mineral fertilizers plus organic fertilizer Leili alga soil (V5), closely followed by V6, in which the plant-based organic fertilizer Leili is replaced by the animal-based organic fertilizer Fertilpolina. Therefore, the analyzed indicator - absolutely dry biomass establishes a similar trend in both phases of corn development in the second fertilization option.
Keywords: absolutely dry biomass in corn; fertilization rates; maize; mineral fertilizers; organic fertilizers
Citation: Nazarkov, M. (2024). Dynamics of accumulation of absolutely dry biomass in maize in dependence of applied fertilization on Vertisol. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 58(1), 3-15 (Bg).
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Date published: 2024-07-04
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