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Combined resource utilization with integrated practices for creating land shaft town infrastructures to reduce reasons of climate changes
Ognyan Kostov, Jechko Iordanov
Abstract: Utilization of parklands and garden wastes in urban landscapes infrastructure through high-tech composting practices have been very useful. At parks and gardens by using mobile modernized systems, carbonization and the use of construction wastes will be of great help in solving the tasks such as stemming from adopted EC concepts to introduce Territorial Circular Economies at justifiable and affordable prices from the population of Bulgaria. On the other hand, it will allow the introduction of BioCCS practices in Bulgaria. The on-site application of the resulting products through dedicated technological solutions and equipment creates options for long-lasting CO2 capturing and storage. This is socially acceptable about of Bulgarian conditions. Conventional measures have to be addressed to the negative effects of climate changes. In addition to the benefits of health of the peoples and environment such landscape infrastructures will also bring numerous social benefits: it will create new jobs and makes the cities more attractive places for living, working and resting.
Keywords: biochair; compost; gas emission; green biomass; green house effect; quality of life; soil quality
Date published: 2020-01-20
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