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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Assessment of the actual risk of sheet water erosion of soil for the territory of Bansko municipality and Razlog municipality
Milena Mitova
Abstract: By its nature predicting erosion is a calculation of the average annual quantity eroded soil based on relevant quantitative estimates of the erosion factors. Of the received erosion data in the respective soils optimization is also done of soil erosion control measures and technologies.
The model attached for the determination of the actual risk of sheet water erosion for the territory of Bansko municipality and Razlog municipality is Universal Soil Loss Equation- USLE. The results
of the evaluation show that the estimated average annual soil losses from erosion over soil loss tolerance
ranging from 20% to 75% of the arable land area according to the type of cultivated crop.
Key words: Еrosion factors; C-factor; Actual erosion risk; USLE.
Keywords: Actual erosion risk; C-factor; USLE; Еrosion factors
Date published: 2018-05-14
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