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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Analysis of geoecological state of soils from industrial areas in the Vratsa Balkan. III. The lands of Vratsa town and Beli izvor village
Venera Tsolova, Martin Banov, Milena Harizanova, Natalya Andreeva, Ivona Nikova
Abstract: Soils in the regions of Vratsa city and Beli Izvor village are subject to significant anthropogenic
impact, resulting from both, the agricultural practices and industrial activity of the chemical plant
“CHIMCO” AD in Vratsa town and the cement factory “Holcim (Bulgaria)” AD (former “Beloizvorski
cement”) in Beli Izvor village. Soils located near these proceedings were studied in order to
reveal the geochemical and ecotoxicity significance of anthropogenic impacts. The geo-ecological
status of soils was studied by standardized methods for determining the content of potentially toxic
elements Pb, Cu, Zn, As, Ni, Cd and Cr and pH (BDS ISO). The assessment of pollution is based
on a specially developed scale that takes into account the coefficient of toxicity and additionally
introduced pollution index.
The results show that the activity of “CHIMCO”, Vratsa town does influence soil pH. This effect
is more tangible near the chemical plant where stronger accumulation of emissions alkalizing soil
environment proceeds. In geochemical aspect is found that levels of lead in both lands have increased
(average content of 42,2 to 73,3 mg/kg) to the level making it the second abundant element after
zinc (76,0 - 98,1 mg/kg). This distinguishes the studied soils from non-contaminated soils wherein
lead is the fifth prevailing element. High levels of lead causes contamination of 40 ha of alluvial
(diluvial)-medow soils in the land of Beli Izvor village. The pollution varies from moderate to strong
within the massif, and therefore requires special measures for restriction of its land use. The other
elements are arranged in the following order of decreasing average concentrations: Ni (42,1-31,4) >
Cu (26,7-33,4) > Cr (17,1-14,2) > As (14,0 -15,2) > Cd (< 1 mg/kg). They also occur in concentrations
higher than background in Bulgarian soils, but far lower than the threshold values.
Keywords: Beloizvorski cement; CHIMCO; elements; pollution index; soil acidification
Date published: 2017-04-24
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