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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Investigation the Productivity of Maize in Different Agroecological Conditions, Fertilization and Plant Density I. Non-Irrigated Conditions
R. Toncheva
Abstract: The investigation was conducted on the basis of data from field experiments with maize at four Nitrogen rates and four levels of plant density.
The experiments were carried out on eight different agro-ecological regions of the Bulgaria in non-irrigated conditions.
The aim of the study is to access the effects of different soil-climatic conditions, the rate of Nitrogen fertilization and plant density on maize grain yield, grown on non irrigated conditions.
Statistical analysis of experimental data was made. According to the results from ANOVA analysis, soil-climatic conditions had the highest effect on the variability of maize yield (5.04%). Nitrogen fertilization is another important factor for increasing productivity of maize (19.48% of data variability is the result of applied Nitrogen) High levels of Nitrogen fertilization and appropriate soil-climatic conditions minimize the impact of plant density - only 0.56% of the variation in yields is due to this factor.
Multiple linear regression relations were obtained. They showed, that Nitrogen rate, effective temperature sum (above 100о C) and rainfall during the growing season of maize could be successfully used as yield predictors.
Keywords: Maize grain yield; Nitrogen rate; plant density; soil - climatic conditions; statistical analysis
Date published: 2017-03-13
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