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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Почвено-климатични условия в района на мониторинговата мрежа за изследване на Смолници Карнобат
Abstract: Soil monitoring programs in European countries are developing very intensively. It is due to the understanding that soils are unrecoverable resource at exposures exceeding the tolerance of the soil, and that monitoring their quality is equally important issue as the monitoring of water and air.
Studies of heavy soils are important part of soil fertility changes monitoring. Vertisols in Bulgaria occupy an area of over 600 000 ha, which accounts for over 20% of the arable land.
Based on the available soil-climatic information in the town of Karnobat a permanent monitoring network was established. Currently, the network consists of 36 points distributed in regular grid on a Vertisols.
Keywords: climatic and soil conditions; monitoring network; Vertisols
Date published: 2016-12-05
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