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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Inventory of Climatic Characteristics of the Village Traykovo, Montana District in Order of Land Evaluation
Z. Mitreva, B. Georgiev, V. Krasteva
Abstract: From official publications of the NIMH – BAS, for long term period (35 – 45 years), are drawn
primary climatic data bases, containing monthly average of: air temperature, precipitation amounts
and relative humidity.
Following the requirements of the adopted country methodology for Land Evaluation, from climate
data are calculated values of the important agro-climatic characteristics - active temperature
amounts, evapotranspiration, balance of atmospheric humidity, hydrothermal coefficient and others.
Climate Weightings are calculated for all crops that “Methodology for work on land register in
Republic of Bulgaria” works.
Keywords: climatic and agroclimatic characteristics; Land Evaluation; weightings for the climate
Date published: 2017-03-02
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