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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Productivity of Crops in Rotation Depending on Agrotechniques and Climatic Conditions
I. Dimitrov, D. Nikolova, R. Toncheva, M. Nenov
Abstract: The subject of this study is to evaluate the productivity of seed-forage crop rotation from rows cereals – leguminous – cereals type (maize – oats – chickpea – oats). The field trial has been carried out under non irrigated conditions on Haplic Vertisols in Sofia region during the period 2005 – 2008. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of different levels of nitrogen fertilization and tillage on the productivity of field crops in crop rotation.
The results of the study show that the mineral fertilization increases the productivity of the growing crops in the crop-rotation from 32% to 94%, under concrete agrotechnical and meteorological conditions of the trial period.
The recommended rate of nitrogen fertilization for the oats and chickpea is 60 kg.ha-1 and for the maize 120 kg.ha-1.
The system of soil tillage does not prove significant influence over the productivity of the crops growing in crop rotation.
Keywords: crop rotation; fertilization; productivity; soil tillage
Date published: 2017-02-15
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