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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Utilization of Crop Residues as Soil Amendment
A. Mikova
Abstract: Last years, the vicious practice of burning crop residues from agricultural production was observed. This practice leads to deterioration of soil fertility and destruction of some of the beneficial soil microflora and fauna. Stubble burning is interdicted by agricultural lands protection law. In this respect, a relatively new method of utilization of crop residues in the form of biochar, obtained by pyrolysis and used as soil amendment is presented.
In Bulgaria, the research in this area are scarce and insufficient. Globally, studies are made of about 10 years. Often the results are controversial, but several trends on the impact of BV on crop yield and soil properties are observed. A review of publications of foreign authors on that issue has been done.
Keywords: biochar; crop yields; greenhouse gas flux; microbial activity; soil amendment; soil fertility; soil properties
Date published: 2017-02-13
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