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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Economic effect of intensive fertilization in greenhouse-grown tomatoes
Plamena Yankovaorcid
Abstract: The study was carried out during the period 2019-2020 in a polyethylene greenhouse without heating of Plant production department of Technical University – Varna with two varieties tomatoes - Grando F1 and Pink Rock F1, cultivated as a soil crop. Three fertilization schemes were tested - basal fertilization (control), fertilization every three and seven days. The following five fertilizer formulations were used, which were imported with fertigation: YaraTera Kristalon Special (18-18-18); YaraTera Kristalon Lazur (20-05-10); YaraTera Kristalon Orange (6-12-36); YaraTera Kristaflex Yellow 12-32-11 and YaraLiva Calcinit. The objective of the study was to find out the economic effect of mineral fertilizers applied in greenhouse tomato production, imported as basal fertilization (control) and combined scheme: fertilization every three and seven days during the growing season.
On the average for the period of studying the highest profitability (63 304.20 BGN/da) and the highest norm of cost-effectiveness (29.4%) are established with fertilization in 7 days with variety Grando F1. The Pink Rock F1 variety had the highest yield and rate of return when fertilizer was applied in 3 days. The high values of the economic indexes in combination with the high average yield determine the applying of mineral fertilization in 7 days as economically justified and appropriate for greenhouse production of tomatoes.
Keywords: cost-effectiveness; economic evaluation; mineral fertilization; profitability; Solanum lycopersicum L.
Citation: Yankova, P. (2024). Economic effect of intensive fertilization in greenhouse-grown tomatoes. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 58(4), 12-20 (Bg).
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Date published: 2024-12-19
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