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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Quality of the water from the sources, intended for irrigation of the еxperimental fields of Institute of Agriculture, Kyustendil, Bugaria
Anton Sotirovorcid
Abstract: The waters from the river Bistritsa River, Drenov dol Reservoir and Industrial Drillhole, intended for irrigation of the experimental agricultural fields of Institute of Agriculture, Kyustendil, Bulgaria during the performed study were determined as Very good – Blue. All three types of waters actually are the same water of the Bistritsa River, type P3-Mountain. The waters correspond to the type of soils low-acid and they are appropriate for irrigation of the existed cultivated plants apple, cherry and plum trees as also some other fruit and vegetable plants.
Keywords: fruits; irrigation; soil; vegetables; water
Citation: Sotirov, A. (2023). Quality of the water from the sources, intended for irrigation of the еxperimental fields of Institute of Agriculture, Kyustendil, Bugaria. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 57(4), 13-17.
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Date published: 2023-12-20
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