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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Role of irrigation in agricultural production
Emil Dimitrov
Abstract: precipitation events and increased frequency of other severe weather events are putting severe pressure on ecosystems and economic development of countries. Sustainable societal development requires the ability to accept disturbances while maintaining the same structure and ways of functioning, the ability to self-organise, and adapt to stress and change. The publication discusses the processes associated with climate change and their ecological and agro-economic impact on agricultural production, the development and management of irrigation, as well as the characteristics and requirements of crops to soil moisture. Drip irrigation is a form of micro-irrigation device and fully meets the requirements for sustainable agriculture and ecological production of fruit and vegetables, ensuring high yields and reducing unwanted side effects accompanying other irrigation techniques.
Keywords: climate change; crops; drough; irrigation methods and techniques
Date published: 2023-03-28
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