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Monitoring of Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera; Aphididae) in oriental tobacco crop
Zheko Radev
Abstract: A survey was carried out during two consecutive growing seasons in an oriental tobacco crop. The aim of the study was to monitor Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera; Aphididae) in oriental tobacco. The distribution dynamics of the peach aphid show low levels until the beginning of June. The distribution of the pest in the cenosis is different in both years. The highest value is in 2021, when 19% of plants are attacked, and in 2022 the attack density in the cenosis is extremely low, only 5%. Climatic factors influence the development of aphids. The density of winged individuals was found to be highest in both years. In tobacco cenosis, the aphid forms independent colonies of green and red colour morphs, and also of mixed ones. At the beginning of the growing season until the middle of July, the dominant morph is the green one, which forms the first colonies of aphids. The red morph registered a predominance only towards the end of the growing season and remained dominant until harvest.
Keywords: aphids; Myzus persicae; tobacco
Date published: 2022-08-18
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