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Density and reproduction dynamics of Macrolophus spp. (Hemiptera; Miridae) feeding on Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera; Aphididae) in oriental tobacco
Zheko Radev
Abstract: In two-year period samples from a field of oriental tobacco were taken. The aim of the study was to assess trends in density, reproduction dynamics and spatial distributions of Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and its predators Macrolophus spp. as biocontrol agents in oriental tobacco. Different peaks of aphid density were reported. In 2021 – mid-July, and in 2022 – mid-June. Then a decline begins. Mirids closely follow the population dynamics of aphids during both growing seasons, regardless of the difference in their density. Bugs persist and maintain significantly high density levels as M. persicae densities decline and even in their absence. Mirids show inversely proportional population dynamics in this case. Significantly more representatives of M. persicae and Macrolophus spp. were found. in the upper plant part compared to the lower. The results showed that a high density of green peach aphid was followed by a high density of mirids.
Keywords: Macrolophus spp.; Myzus persicae; tobacco
Date published: 2022-08-10
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