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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Sensitivity Analysis of Predicted Soil Loss from Erosion to Its Determining Factors
M. Mitova, S. Rousseva
Abstract: Soil erosion risk assessments are based on a model for predicting the average annual soil loss (Universal Soil Loss Equation), adapted to the conditions of Bulgaria. The factors that determine the potential risk of soil erosion are rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility and topography. The report presents statistical analysis of the relationships of the potential erosion risk from indices for assessing these factors. The results obtained showed that the topography factor has the highest relative impact on the estimated soil loss, followed by the rainfall erosivity and the soil erodibility factors. Sensitivity analysis of predicted soil loss from erosion to its determining parameters clarifies the relationship between the potential erosion risk and the erosion factors and supports the optimization of soil protection measures and erosion control planning, with a focus on the most important factors. Control of these factors could enable reduction of soil loss to tolerable limits.
Keywords: potential erosion risk; rainfall erosivity; soil erodibility; topography factor; Universal Soil Loss Equation
Date published: 2017-02-13
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