[session_started] => 1739612654
Analyzes of soil structure and its water resistance оn a sample of Alluvial meadow soil mixed in a certain ratio with different mixtures of organic waste
Milena Mitova, Svetla Rousseva, Emil Dimitrov
Abstract: Reduction of soil organic carbon stocks is one of the major threats to the environmental and economic functions of soils. Carbon sequestration and changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of Bulgarian soils as a result of addition of organic waste from agriculture, household and industry have not been well studied.
The report presents data on the structure of Alluvial meadow soil with addition in proportion 1:9 different organic wastes (cattle manure, sheep manure, biochar, compost, textile sludge and sewage sludge). The structure was evaluated by the size, configuration, distribution and water resistance of soil aggregates in samples of the mixtures tested, incubated at a constant humidity of 10% for 21 days.
It was established that all six tested organic additives have increased the water resistance of soil aggregates as assessed by two indicators – the ratio of mean-weighted diameters of water stable and dry aggregates (MWDR) and the ratio of the specific surface area of dry and water stable soil aggregates (Sd/Sw). The best effect was found for the additions of cattle manure and sludge from a wastewater treatment plant.
Keywords: mean-weighted diameters of water stable and dry aggregates; organic wastes; soil aggregation; surface mean relative area of dry and water stable soil aggregates; water resistance
Date published: 2021-11-10
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