[session_started] => 1739034587
Forecasting yields of mid-season and late-season tomato varieties on Alluvial-Meadow Soils (Mollic Fluvisols) in Plovdiv region
Veneta Krasteva, Ivanka Mitova
Abstract: Evaluation has been doneof the suitability of the lands located on the Alluvial-meadow soils for growing tomatoes (mid-season early and late-season field production), soil has been rated in reference to ecological and climatic indicators according to the “ Methodology for work on the cadastre of agricultural lands in the Republic of Bulgaria “. The results of obtained real yields of tomatoes in the experimental field of IPAZR “N. Pushkarov ”in the village of Tsalapitsa, Plovdiv region have been used. The cost per unit of soil ecological rate (ЦБ) is calculated at two fertilization levels (manure and mineral). The cost per unit of soil ecological rate can be used to forecast actual yields in the Plovdiv region. The effect of fertilization and other factors on the rate of 1 ecological score was calculated (% of increase in yield). The study is applicable to forecasting the actual yields that can be obtained for tomato crops.
Keywords: land evaluation; soils; the cost per unit of soil ecological ball; tomatoes; yields.
Date published: 2021-03-29
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