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Microbiological characteristics and hygienic-sanitary aspect of the water from Black River in the Pelagonija region-North Macedonia
Tatjana Blazhevska, Мarija Меnkinoska, Valentina Pavlova, Viktorija Stamatovska, Goce Cilev, Saso Stojanovski, Nina Dimovska
Abstract: The presence of microorganisms in the aquatic environment has a variable character and differs from one aquatic ecosystem to another. The main goal of this research was to determine the microbiological characteristics of the water in Black River in the Pelagonija region near the city of Bitola, North Macedonia and thus to determine the quality of water from a hygienic-sanitary aspect. The material for work was the water from Black River. The survey was conducted in May and November. Measuring points from which the sample was taken for analysis were: Measuring point 1 (MM1) Black River near the village Novaci, measuring point 2 (MM2) Black River near the village Kravari, measuring point 3 (MM3) Black River after the junction with Fifth channel and measuring point 4 (MM4) Black River in the village of Skochivir.
Microbiological analysis included examination of the following groups of microorganisms: determination of total number of Coliform bacteria-colimetric method according to Mostprobablenumber by Mac Conkey-Broth at 37o C, total number of Fecal coliform bacteria-colometric method, on liquid substrate Mac Conkey-Broth at 44o C, determination on the number of Escherichia coli-membrane filtration method and determination of the number of Enterococcus-membrane filtration of Slantez Bartley Agar. From the obtained results it can be seen that the water in measuring point 1 from all other measuring points from the hygienic and sanitary aspect is of the best quality and the values for total Coliform bacteria in the water were the lowest with a value of 22000 coliform bacteria/L, Fecal coliform bacteria were 40000 faecal coliform bacteria/L in May. In measuring point 3 was found the largest number of all types of bacteria that were the subject of research.
By summarizing the obtained results, it can be concluded that high values of Coliform bacteria, Fecal coliform bacteria is high due to the presence of wastewater and fecal water that flows from the canal in Black River. Water pollution is closely related to anthropogenic impact and therefore requires constant monitoring, monitoring of water quality changes.
Keywords: coliform bacteria; enterococcus; escherichia coli; fecal coliform bacteria; hygienic and sanitary aspect; microbiological indicators; water
Date published: 2021-03-29
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