[session_started] => 1739612694
Dynamics of accumulation of absolutely dry biomass in maize
Miladin Nazarkov, Dafina Nikolova
Abstract: The investigation was carried out on Haplic Vertisoils in the experimental station of Bozurishte, Sofia. The influence of the herbicides, mineral fertilization and plant biostimulators on the dynamic of the absolute dry biomass. The efficiency of the used factors including bio stimulators A: (a1 - Alga 300++ (Nutry-algaphid); a2 - Alga 600 and a3 - Leili 2000), produced by seaweed extract, factor T - fertilizers (T1 - used fertilizers for base application; factor T0 – not used fertigation); factor B – herbicide and herbicide mixture, (B1 -Tarot Plus); B2 – herbicide mixture (Sirio 4SC + Magneto SL) The main goal on the investigation is to be studied the dynamic of the absolute dry biomass, depending on used bio stimulators, fertilizers and herbicides.
In all studied stages of corn (9-10th leaf, tasseling and milk stage), the fertigation had positive efficiency on the quantity of dry biomass. In stage 9-10th leaf the best result had after using Alga 600. At tasseling stage had good results after using Alga 300++ (Nutry-algaphid), following Alga 600 and Leili 2000. In milk stage, after application with herbicide Tarot Plus the efficacy is highest after application of Alga 600, for the absolute dry biomass from (leaf + stems), (leaf + stems + cob) and cobs. In the herbicide mixture (Sirio 4SC and Magneto SL), and the best efficacy was received after application of Leili 2000, followed by Alga 300++ (Nutry-algaphid).
Keywords: biostimulators; fertilization; herbicides; maize (Zea maize); productivity
Date published: 2020-10-19
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