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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Optimization of priming duration for rice production under drought stress
Isiaka Kareem, Saliu Adeyemi Kareem, Abdulmaliq S. Y., Adekola O.F., Abdulkareem K.A., Olayinka B.U., AbdulAziz Ayinla, Alasinrin Sikiru Yusuf, Hakeem Abiodun Kuranga, Usman Magaji, Lawal M.T., Ahmed O., Lawal O.I., Bello W. B., Salami T. B., Ayeleke D.A., Azeez K.O., Olaniyan J.O., Affinnih K.O., Olalekan K.K.
Abstract: The type of priming chemical and the duration of priming are important factors determining the performance of plants resulting from priming treatment. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the effects of different priming agents and soaking durations on growth and yield of drought-stressed rice.
To achieve this objective, a pot experiment was conducted where three priming agents (100mM calcium chloride dihidrate (CaCl2), 40% (w/v) polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 and 100ppm kinetin) combined with two soaking (priming) durations were tested on drought stressed rice plants in a 3x2 factorial experiment. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications.
Parameters on germination percentage, number of tillers, number of productive tillers, tiller efficiecy, shoot fresh and dry weight, yield, seed length to seed width ratio (seed size), 100-seed weight and harvest index were taken. Also, data on photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular carbon-dioxide and transpiration rate and leaf water were taken. It was found that the highest yield was got when PEG was used for priming for 48 hours. It was found that number of tillers, shoot dry mass, 100-seed mass, rate of photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration and leaf area water were increased when seeds were primed for 48hours with kinetin solution. However, tiller efficiency, harvest index and seed size were favoured by 24hour priming with PEG while number of productive tillers, shoot fresh mass and grain yield were favoured by 48hour priming with PEG. It was concluded that 48hour priming with PEG was effective alleviate moisture stress in MR219 rice. This implies that to avoid wastage of priming chemicals and circumvent undue prolongation of priming period or duration which will result in harming the seeds (toxicity) and poor performance of the resulting plants, 40% (w/v) PEG 6000 should be used for 48hours for priming MR219.
Keywords: flooding; moisture stress; photosynthetic activities; yield; yield attributes
Date published: 2020-09-18
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