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Suitability of Agro-Ecological Conditions in Traykovo Land for Growing Rapeseed
Z. Mitreva, B. Georgiev, V. Krasteva
Abstract: This study aims to undergo Land Evaluation of agro-climatic and soil characteristics of Land Traykovo (Lom Municipality) and to determine their suitability for cultivation of rapeseed (winter and spring). Assess the suitability of agro ecological potential for growing rapeseed within the separately taken land in the northwest part of the country (in large scale - 1: 10 000), is performed for the first time in our country. It is made with a newly developed methodology dedicated to the parametric methods for categorization of land and is consistent with the recommendations of the FAO classification. The study found that agro-environment potential of Land Traykovo has a very good suitability for the production of rapeseed (winter and spring). For successful betting and harvesting of spring rape almost no restrictions or is insignificant. In wintering forms of culture as the most important risk factor is the relatively high retention rate of negative (below -15 °C) air temperatures for a period longer than two days, in the absence of snow cover. However, in the selection of suitable varieties and strict observance of certain technologies, winter rape could also be grown successfully.
Keywords: agro-environment potential; land evaluation; rapeseed
Date published: 2017-02-13
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