[session_started] => 1739218085
Condition of soil, phytosanitary monitoring and yield of einkorn and wheat in conventional, organic and biodynamic farming
Vasilina Maneva, Mladen Naydenov, Dina Atanasova
Abstract: Experiments are displayed in the experimental fields of Institute of agriculture - Karnobat during the period 2013 - 2015. The condition of the soil and yield of einkorn and wheat in three types of farming - conventional, organic and biodynamic are compared. There is performed phytosanitaty monitoring. Biodynamic preparations have a significant impact on soil biological activity - the highest biological activity is recorded in the biodynamic field - over 50 μg of isolated CO2/g soil/h. In the organic field the biological activity is - 20 μg of isolated CO2/g soil/h, and the lowest in the conventional field is below 10 μg of isolated CO2/g of soil / h. The largest species diversity of pests is reported in wheat in the conventional field, and the lowest in einkorn in the biodynamic field. During the years of the einkorn survey, no diseases were detected in all three types of farming. Leaves diseases have been reported in conventional wheat cultivation - Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici, Puccinia reconditа f.sp. tritici and Septoria tritici Rob.ex Desm. Weeds in conventional agriculture are considered the highest density and fresh biomass. Еinkorn and wheat yields are highest for conventional farming - 243 and 645 kg/da, followed by biodynamic - 220 and 471 kg/da and lowest for organic farming - 203 and 349 kg/da respectively.
Keywords: biodynamic farming; conventional farming; einkorn; organic farming; phytosanitary monitoring; soil; wheat; yield
Date published: 2019-12-02
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