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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Agronomic suitability for growing of agricultural and energy crops in agricultural experimental station (OSZ) Lom
Zornitsa Mitreva, Galya Tsvetanova, Iliyana Gerasimova, Veneta Krasteva
Abstract: Mitreva, Z., Tsvetanova, G., Gerasimova, I., Krasteva, V. (2019). Agronomic suitability for growing of agricultural and energy crops in agricultural experimental station (OSZ) Lom. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology, 53(1), 10-20
A review of the climatic and soil resources was made for the Agricultural Experimental Station in Lom. The soils are carbonate Chernozems, not eroded with different soil profile depth. The productive capabilities of agricultural land using rating points from 0 to 100 for basic crops in conditions without irrigation are presented. For wheat the rating is from 63 to 77 points, for corn 47 – 66 rating points. The soybeans, sugar beet and sunflower fields are with average ratings 41-62 rating points. The land evaluation for winter rape seed is 53-61 rating points, and for spring rape seed is between 52-83 rating points. For vegetable crops – tomatoes and pepper all soils are suitable (81-99 rating points). Of the fruit trees with the highest rating points are cherries – 76 points, apples – 63 points, plums – 53 points. With the highest rating are the grapevines – 95-98 points. Environmental conditions in the region according to the average field rating classify carbonate Chernozems as part of the “good land” group (60-80 rating points) and “average land” (40-60 rating points). Most of the soils are the 4th category of land. The grapevines, the spring rape and the vegetable crops (under irrigated conditions), the wheat, the sunflower and from the fruit threes – cherries are the most suitable crops.
Keywords: climate characteristics; land evaluation; rape seed; soil characteristics
Date published: 2019-03-22
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