[session_started] => 1739031024
Comparative Characteristics for Humus State of Sand Soils, Bulgarian Black Sea Coast and Danube Low Lands
I. Kirilov, E. Filcheva, M. Teoharov
Abstract: Humus content and composition for Sand Soils (Arenosols) of Bulgarian sea coast is in direct
correlation of the ages of parent materials. The ages of sea ledges and time for soil formation are
in direct relationship of relief and micro relief of the concrete areas. The investigations of organic carbon in soil profiles give us base for conclusions for low content of organic carbon. Sand Soils of Bulgarian sea coast show low humus content in the surface horizon – around 1% due to the
intensive mineralization during whole year. In the sub horizons in the Sand Soils (Arenosols) in Danube low lands – humus content decreases in different degree and show well expressed characteristics of izohumic soils. High temperature in summer, low rain fall, good soil air conditions in the studied regions lead to low levels of humus and nitrogen and active mineralization of plant residues.
Keywords: Arenosols; Bulgarian sea coast; Danube low lands; humus content
Date published: 2017-02-13
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