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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Effect of mineral fertilization on the morphological characteristics and yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata)
Lyuba Nenova, Ivanka Mitova
Abstract: An experiment with head cabbage, late field production was carried out on Alluvial-Meadow soil (Fluvisol) as a part of a long term vegetable rotation. The effect of mineral fertilization on the growth and development of the plants was assessed. Increasing nitrogen norms – N8, N16 и N24 at background of P15 and K10, and a control variant without fertilization were tested. As a result of the applied fertilization an increase of the values of all biometric characteristics was established.
In the “shrinking of cabbage head” phase, the most noticeable was the increase of the foliage mass – 3.16 times, the diameter of the leaf rosette – 2.12 times, the height of the plants – 1.83 times and the diameter of the stem – 1.43 times compared to the control. The highest masses of cabbage head (1682.5 g) and of the whole plants (2562.5 g) were reported at the maximum fertilization norm – N24P15K10. In the phase of “economic maturity”, the highest mass 3020.0 g of cabbage heads and 4020.0 g of whole plants were achieved at fertilization norm – N16P15K10. During this phase weaker regression relationships between the different morphological characteristics were observed, compared with the previous phase. As a result of the applied fertilization, cabbage yield increased between 3.6 and 5.6 times over the control. The percentage of cabbage head in the total yield is high – from 74.5 to 76.6%, as the higher values were at the variant N16.
Keywords: biometric characteristics; fertilization; head cabbage; yield
Date published: 2018-05-14
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