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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Study of basic physico-chemical parameters of soil fertility
Ivona Nikova, Nikolay Dinev, Biser Hristov, Mariana Hristova
Abstract: The Northwestern region of Bulgaria is considered the poorest and most depopulated part of the
Republic of Bulgaria. An observation and control system has been selected for an extended study
of environmental interactions in the area. In our research we use modern GIS-oriented monitoring
networks, to assess the physico-chemical state of the soil in Vidin`s province and to offer optimal land use practices. In the observed area the predominant soils are Calcareous, Typical and Leached Chernozems. The pH values are from neutral to slightly alkaline. Due to the leaching processes in some samples the pH in the surface horizon is slightly acidic to neutral (6.0-6.6). The amount of adsorbed hydrogen ions, measure of which is the exchange acidity (H8.2) has an average of 3.5% of T8,2, which in practice means that hydrogen ions are absent from the strong acid positions of the adsorbent. Normally these soils do not contain alumina. Three of the points in the monitoring network, fall into the flood terrace of the Danube River. They refer to the soil type Alluvial. These are fertile soils formed along the river along unspoiled gravel sandy alluvial deposits. Their soil reaction is neutral and are characterized by insignificant exchange acidity, lack of exchangeable aluminum ions and a degree of saturation with bases > 95% of the sorption capacity. The agricultural lands falling within the area of our research are characterized by favorable physico-chemical properties. The absence of significant, chemical degradation processes, neutral soil response and good nutrient supply are important premise for optimal plant development and the production of quality agricultural produce
Keywords: cation exchange capacity; chernozems; soil productivity; soil reaction
Date published: 2018-03-14
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