[session_started] => 1739226079
Investigation of the productivity of maize depending on agro-ecological conditions and applied agrotechnics
Nikolay Traykov, Rositsa Toncheva, Ivan Dimitrov
Abstract: The investigation was conducted on the basis of data of field experiments with maize and wheat, cultivated in crop rotation on two soil types – Gleyic-Chromic Luvisols in the region of Gorni Lozen and Haplic Vertisols in the region of Bozhurishte. The aim of the study is to determine the effects of equal fertilizer rates with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but with different kind of fertilizers, applied soil tillage and soil-climatic conditions on the maize grain yield. The influence of the fertilization and soil tillage are statistically proven for the two experimental stations (at p<0.1%) during the first year of experiments. 96.83% and 92.57% from the total data variation of yields was due to these factors respectively to Gorni Lozen and Bozhurishte and 1.49% and 2.97% - to soil tillage. During the third year of experiment the significant influence on the yields has only the fertilization (respectively 73.47% and 89.97%). The influence of soil-climatic conditions is statistically significant during the first year of experiment only at p<0.1%. 41.71% from the total variation of yield data is due to this factor. There is no clear trend for the influence of the added foliar fertilizer.
Keywords: fertilization; foliar fertilizer; maize; soil tillage systems
Date published: 2017-08-23
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