[session_started] => 1739611405
Irrigation Scheduling аnd Irrigation Water Productivity of Vegetable Crops, Cultivated under Drip Irrigation
R. Kireva, V. Petrova
Abstract: The studies has been carried out the experimental field in the village of Chelopechene, near Sofia in unheated plastic greenhouses.The deficit of the irrigation water require irrigation technologies of more efficient water use. For vegetable crops the most suitable is the drip irrigation. It was applied for vegetable crops. To establish the appropriate irrigation schedule of vegetable crops under the soil and climate conditions in the village of Chelopechene, near Sofia city, research was conducted with drip irrigation adopting varying irrigation schedules - from fully meeting the daily crops water requirements to reduced depths with 20% and 40%. Have been established irrigation schedule irrigated water productivity and yields of vegetable crops in unheated plastic greenhouses of the Sofia plant.
Keywords: drip irrigation; Irrigation; irrigation scheduling; plastic unheated greenhouses; vegetable crops; yield
Date published: 2017-07-26
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