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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Land Evaluation for Fruits Growing of Eroded Leached Chernozems and Gray Forest Soils for the Land of Tepava Vollage, Lovech District
Viktor Kolchakov, Veneta Krasteva
Резюме: The reported study was conducted in the village Tepava, Lovech Municipality. Studied are agro-climatic and soil resources of the land. The focus of the study is to two typical soil types in the region - Gray forest soils, not eroded to slightly eroded and Highly leached chernozems slightly eroded (according to Bulgarian soil classification). Land evaluation is made of agro-environmental conditions. Suitability for growing some fruits on lands with these soils is established. Conclusions are made.
Ключови думи: bonitet assessment; eroded soil; fruit trees
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-21
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