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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Оценка на хибриден материал с произход от диви едногодишни видове за устойчивостта им към сиви (Phomopsis helianthi), кафяви (Alternaria sp.) и черни (Phoma macdonaldi) петна по слънчогледа
Резюме: The aim of the presented study was selection of hybrid forms, originated from wild annual species Helianthus debilis, H. рetiolaris and H. praecox, resistant to grey, brown and black spots on sunflower. On the base of their reaction to agents of three fungus diseases, the breeding materials with immune and resistant type of reaction were selected.
The wild sunflower accessions, picked as paternal parents, were beforehand evaluated on artificial infection plot. Vegetation period and seed oil content of the obtained hybrid materials were determined and studied.
As a result of evaluation and purposeful selection, some new forms with high resistance to pathogens Phomopsis helianthi, Phoma macdonaldi and Alternaria sp., high seed oil content and different vegetation period were selected. These hybrid forms were characterized also with presence of Rf genes and were included in a program for control of resistance to economically important sunflower diseases and for developing new lines-restorers of fertility.
Ключови думи: black spots (Phoma macdonaldi); brown (Alternaria sp.); grey spots (Phomopsis helianthi); resistance; sunflower
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-13
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