Effects of microplastics, vermicompost and zeolite on microflora of soils with different physical properties
Jonita Perfanova

, Katerina Doneva

, Milena Kercheva

, Hristo Valchovski

Резюме: The effect of additives of different composition and origin - non-organic (microplastics), organic (vermicompost) and mineral (zeolite) on microflora and soil physical conditions of two soil varieties was studied. A laboratory experiment was performed on soil samples, taken from the surface (0-20 cm) soil layer of Vertic Phaeozem (clay textural class), from the experimental field Gorni Lozen under grassland and of Haplic Cambisol (loam textural class), from the experimental station of potatoes Samokov, cultivated land. The concentrations of the additives were 10% by mass of the sample. The amount of main groups of soil microorganisms was determined - ammonifying and cellulolytic microorganisms, mineral nitrogen-utilizing bacteria, actinomycetes and microscopic fungi. The changes of water retention properties of the studied mixtures were analyzed. It was found that the distribution of soil microorganisms was influenced in a different way by the applied additives in the studied soils.
Ключови думи: fine-textured and medium-textured soils; microflora; microplastics; vermicompost; zeolit
Цитиране: Perfanova, J., Doneva, K., Kercheva, M., & Valchovski, H., (2024). Effects of microplastics, vermicompost and zeolite on microflora of soils with different physical properties. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 58(2), 3-13 (Bg).
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| Дата на публикуване: 2024-06-25
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