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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Торенето и сортът като фактори, определящи съдържанието и износа на хранителни елементи с добива на средноранни домати, полско производство
Резюме: Experiment with early to mid-season tomato (Licopersicon esculentum) cultivars Prekos- F1, Bakini and PinkCharm was carried out on Alluvial-meadow soil (Fluvisol, FAO) to determine the nutrient content and uptake in plants in response to nutrient treatments with equivalent quantities of organic and mineral fertilizers. The experiment found that plants from cultivars Prekos- F1 and Bakini which underwent mineral fertilization have the highest content of common N and Р2О5. The highest content of common N and Р2О5, except for K2O in fruits was measured in Pink Charm plants subjected to mineral fertilization. An average 249.1 kg.ha-1 N, 66.8 kg.ha-1 Р2О5 and 355.1 kg.ha-1 K2О was exported with the biological yield. Pink Charm cultivar plants treated with organic fertilizer exported highest levels of nutrients with a biological yield of 1000 kg – 4.17 kg N, 1.23 kg Р2О5 и 6.56 kg K2О.
Ключови думи: mineral; organic fertilizers; output of nutritional elements; tomato
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-13
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