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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Comparative characteristics of Planosols formed on terraces of the Maritsa River subjected to continuous impact of land use
Ivaylo Kirilov
Резюме: Planosols from the Dolnobanska valley and from the area of the village of Ivaylo, Pazardzhik were studied. They are located on terraces of the Maritsa river basin and were formed under meadow, shrub and tree vegetation, which were subsequently changed into agricultural land.
It has been proven that land use in Planosols in both research sites affects their physico-mechanical and agrochemical properties. Changes have occurred in the mechanical composition, humus content, pH, which seriously affects the fertility of these soils. The application of good agricultural techniques in land use in the Ivaylo site through suitable crop rotations, application of fertilizers and meliorants such as limestone and lime ash significantly improves the content of absorbable forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which reflects on soil fertility.
The main goal of the development is to assess the influence of the soil-climatic conditions in the two sites, changes in soil properties and as a result of land use, with a view to the possibility of optimizing the technology for the cultivated crops, which will ensure a more profitable production.
Ключови думи: agrochemical and mechanical properties; crop rotation; Dolnobanska valley; Planosols; soil fertility
Дата на публикуване: 2022-11-15
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