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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Changes in some physical parameters of Haplic Vertisoil in two-years crop rotation, under the influence of agrotechnical factors
Iliyana Gerasimova, Maria Ivanova, Martin Nenov, Zdravka Petkova, Miladin Nazarkov
Резюме: Physical parameters of the soil is essential for the development of the reproductive potential of agricultural crops.
The aim of presented experiments was to monitor the changes in some main physical soil parameters of Haplic Vertisoil from the Sofia region as a result of factors from the crops agrotechnical complex (soil tillage and mineral fertilization) during the two-field crop rotation (maize-triticale/wheat) under non-irrigation conditions. The influence of two factors from the general agrotechnical complex - variants of soil tillage with different intensity and norms of mineral fertilization with three levels were studied. Their influence on the dynamics of soil moisture and soil bulk density during the vegetation of the crops was investigated.
From the field experiments for the period 2020-2021, it was establish, that the agrotechnical measures, that are the subject of the study, have a positive impact on the physical parameters. More significant is the dependence on the type of soil tillage systems. The soil moisture values for the 10-20 cm layer, where the main treatment for maize is loosening at 40-45 cm, are higher than those reported in the variants with plowing at 22-25 cm. After harvesting the maize, the lowest soil bulk density values were found in the surface horizons (from 0.91 g/cm3 to 0.99 g/cm3). With a decrease in soil moisture in the depth of the soil layer, an increase to 1.32 g/cm3 is reported. After harvesting the cereal crops, the reported values in the investigated variants are in the range from 1.46 g/cm3 to 1.67 g/cm3, without being influenced by soil tillage and other agrotechnical measures.
Ключови думи: crop rotation; non-irrigation conditions; physical parameters of soil; soil compaction; soil tillage
Дата на публикуване: 2022-09-12
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