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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Growth processes and quality in field production of pumpkins depending on the applied organic and mineral fertilizers
Nikolai Dinev, Ivanka Mitova
Резюме: In the conditions of long term vegetable field experiment, an experience with pumpkins was set and carried out. The variants are with annual application of mineral, organic and mixed (organo-mineral) fertilizers. Plants with organic and organo-mineral fertilization show better vegetative and generative development (length and diameter of the stem, number of leaves and flowers per plant), compared to the variant with mineral fertilization. The yield of mixed organo-mineral fertilization is 2.08 times higher than that of unfertilized plants and 1.39 times higher than the average yield of the variants. The fruits of the plants with organo-mineral fertilization are the largest and with the largest pericarp, with a diameter of 64.0% and a pericarp 53.7% larger than that of the control variant and respectively 19.2% and 20.5% larger than the average diameter of the fruits of the experiment. Of the fertilized variants, the fruits with organo-mineral fertilization have the highest content of dry matter - 17.33%, sugars - 15.4%. The content of nitrates in the fruits of the fertilizer variants is between 36.4 and 49.14, with the fruits of the plants with mineral fertilizers having the highest nitrate content.
Ключови думи: pigments; quality; sugars; vegetative development; yield
Дата на публикуване: 2022-06-17
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