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The effect of irrigation rate and fertilisation on the content of some antioxidants in tomatoes early-mid field production
Ivanka Mitova, Emil Dimitrov
Резюме: Conducted trail with early-mid determinant variety tomatoes ,,Nikolina F1” onto leached Cinnamon forest soil. In the research are included two trial years – 2019 and 2020. In the tomatoes ripe phase is established the impact of the exanimate factors – irrigation rate and increasing the mineral fertilisation into synthesis of pigments and lycopene. The different weather condition in the two trial years affected the synthesis on the inspected antioxidants. In both years, tested irrigation rate (50 and 100% OPT) highest content of lycopene and common pigments at 50% OPT during 2019 into the tomatoes is reported at fertilization with N20P12K20. During 2020 the tomatoes from variant N15P8K15 synthesised most common pigments in both irrigation norms. The average substance of common pigments and lycopene throughout both years of the research in the ripe tomatoes with 50% OPT is higher than the tomatoes with 100% OPT. Whit increasing the irrigation and fertilisation is reported increasing the percent contribution of lycopene into the synthesis of pigments, when the β-carotene decreases. During 2019 the most effect into syntheses of common pigments is affected from both the irrigation and the fertilisation (45.86%), while into 2020 the synthesis of pigments is mostly affected from the fertilisation (89.00%). The synthesis of lycopene through both years is affected mainly from the fertilisation 55.69% for 2019 and 88.39% for 2020.
Ключови думи: determinant tomatoes; irrigation rate; lycopene; mineral fertilization; total pigments; β-carotene
Дата на публикуване: 2022-05-16
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