[session_started] => 1739034733
Plant nutrition as a factor determining the accumulation of nitrates in potato production (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Ivanka Mitova, Teodora Tomova
Резюме: The review article presented factors which determined accumulation of nitrates in food and more specifically in vegetables, as a one of problems in our days. Information has been cited on existing regulations in the EU and other countries (USA and China) regarding the permissible content of nitrates in different crops and products. The main role of nitrogen fertilization as a major factor in nitrate accumulation in potato production is discussed. Chemical analysis of potato tubers for nitrate content from samples, selected at random from producers from all over the country, howed values up to 276.5 mg NO3- kg-1 fresh mass.
Ключови думи: abiotic factors; nitrate content; nitrogen fertilization; potatoes
Дата на публикуване: 2021-06-30
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