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Yield and quality parameters of green bean in crop rotations under biological management
Iliana Gerasimova, Ivanka Mitova, Totka Mitova
Резюме: The leguminous crops are obligatory element of the biological crop rotations and supply several economical end ecological benefits. The purpose of the present study is to analyse the yield and quality pods parameters of the green bean grown in crop rotations under biological management. During the period 2011-2013 field study was conducted at experiment station of Institute of Soil Science, Agroecology and Crop protection “N. Poushkarov” where green bean was included in two three -field crop rotations with the same crop sequences as follows: 1) green bean, 2) grass-leguminous cover crop for green manuring –potato, 3) wheat/triticale. Since 2004 the field has been under biological management.
The results show that the fresh green pot yields average for two growing seasons, as a result of organic fertilization, is 1394.8 kg/da with the single pot characteristics (diameter, length and weight) that are typical for studied cultivar under non-irrigated conditions. The applied norm of organic manure produced optimal pods yield with little variation of quality parameters. The nitrate content in green pots is from 36.2 to 42.6 mg/kg and it is much below the critical level for content of nitrates in the vegetable products. The contents of minerals in the green pods ((N, P, K, Ca, Mg) slightly changed over the experimental years. The present study underlines the importance of the green bean together with the studied cultivar as a part of scheme of the biological crop rotations.
Ключови думи: green bean; organic crop rotation; quality; yield
Дата на публикуване: 2019-04-17
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