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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Dynamics of Fruiting in the Early and Mid-Early Field Production of Tomatoes
I. Mitova, V. Vasileva, N. Dinev
Резюме: Under field conditions on Arenic Fluvisols (WRBSR, 2006) an experience with two tomato cultivars – Milyana and Nikolina F1 was carried out. Impact of the manufacturing type, the ways of potassium fertilization and variety on some of the indicators forming the yield and quality of production were shown. The highest reported total yield in the early field production in both varieties has variants with double potassium fertilization. The greatest production of tomatoes in mid-early production in both experimental varieties gives threefold introduction of potassium norm. The variety has key importance in the formation of the yields in the early fruiting, but during the vegetation increases the influence of the manufacturing division.
Ключови думи: field production; potassium fertilization; tomatoes
Дата на публикуване: 2017-03-07
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