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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Study the Effects of Appling Types of Fertilizers on Chemical Indicators of Raw Material Obtained from Oriental Tobacco Variety Krumovgrad 90, Grown in Subregion Yaka Mestenski of Tobacco Area
T. Ortomarova, N. Tahsin
Резюме: The chemical compositions of raw tobacco is a joint action of the soil and climate conditions in the areas of farming, farming practices applied and the type of fertilizer used.
This study demonstrates that the use of complex soil and foliar fertilizer in the cultivation of oriental tobacco variety Krumovgrad 90 in terms of sub regions Yaka, Mestenski of tobacco area is obtained material with a favorable combination of chemical indicators.
Ключови думи: chemical indicators; fertilizer; Krumovgrad 90; nicotine; oriental tobacco
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-13
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