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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Study of Some Annual and Perennial Forage Crops as Sources of Green Manure (Siderates) for Soil Fertility Improvement
I. Pachev
Резюме: Green manuring is inexhaustible, constantly renewable source of organic matter. Root system of many siderates supplies from different soil depth nutrients (phosphoric acid, calcium, magnesium, etc.). After plowing green manure and ongoing organic material plasmification these elements return into the root soil layer in available form for plants. Siderates play a significant role for improving the physical and chemical properties of the soil and enhancing its biological activity. Green manure facilitates weed and disease control, reduces salinity, etc. It is an important source of nitrogen and humus in the soil.
Pea and sainfoin could be used as green manure. The amount of organic carbon accumulated during the period of the study reaching the level of the fallow was 1.13 (humus 1.95%) and 1.14 (1.96% humus), respectively. The wheat yield exceeding was the highest with them, respectively 201 kg/da, while the yield excess with vetch was +8 kg/da.
Birdsfoot trefoil and Phacelia could be used for green manure on soils where the humus horizon is absent and the level of soil fertility is very low.
Ключови думи: biological activity; green manuring; humus; nitrogen; organic carbon
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-13
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