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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Practices for Limiting Water and Wind Erosion of Soil in the Zone of the Bulgarian Chernozems
I. Malinov, D. Nekova, P. Dimirtov, V. Kroumov, S. Rousseva, H. Djodjov, D. Ilieva, M. Mitova
Резюме: Specific topographical, climatic, soil and economic conditions on the Bulgarian territory, including the territory of the Bulgarian Chernozems from the northern part of the country, create preconditions for the development of intensive soil degradation processes caused by water and wind erosion of the soil. The report presents data on areas of the land, type and value of the proposed necessary erosion control practices for limiting water and wind erosion of soil in them and in administrative districts of the Chernozems subzone of Northern Bulgarian. Described are the most widely used in the country and easily executable for agricultural users soil erosion control practices applicable to Bulgarian Cernozems.
Ключови думи: Chernozems; water and wind erosion of the soil
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-13
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